Wednesday, February 19, 2020

John Lockes Natural Rights in The Second Treatise of Government Essay

John Lockes Natural Rights in The Second Treatise of Government - Essay Example â€Å"Locke developed central devices for political theory †¦a theory of natural law† (Bailey 2008, p. 252). The state of nature,  to which Locke refers, describes two things: the condition of mankind before the establishment of civil government and the condition of mankind before the introduction of formal legislation to ensure societal order. Locke deduces that since laws governs nature, and God ordains laws where man is subject to the Divine then the laws govern mankind. It must be noted that since these rights exist outside of the body politic or civil society; they are natural or inherent to man’s being. These rights are inalienable and are equally applied. Forming the basis of the penal system, the justice system, the welfare system, the military system, the economy and the government as a whole, these rights comprise the foundation for both individual and society at large. In the natural state, the rights of man are equal and evenly distributed to all huma nity’s members. Sovereignty cannot be invested in a singular individual where all are made equal. In his treatise, Locke insists on â€Å"equality of men by nature†¦as so evident in itself, and beyond all question† (Locke 1980). Locke declares his stand for the equality of the rights of all men, and their sameness before the law and before God. Locke drafts this document to stress the implications of equality for society. In the day of Locke, men are grappling with rife, social inequalities which lead to disgruntled lower classes and corrupt upper classes. Factors are forwarded to justify superiority of one class and the inferiority of another. The principles of the right to equality are rooted in the acknowledgement that all men are naturally created equal, and abide in â€Å"a state also of equality, wherein all the power and jurisdiction is reciprocal, no one having more than another; there being nothing more evident, than that creatures of the same species an d rank† (Locke 1980). Man is a rational being equipped with mental capacities, moral virtue, feelings, impulses or physical make-up. Hence Locke endorses the view of unbiased, impartial, and equal treatment of all. The respect of the right to equality would avert discrimination, social class (elitism), and exclusion. These egalitarian views are drafted in the treatise to regulate more equal consideration and distribution of power among all people. (Bailey 2008, p. 78) comments that â€Å"the role of equal rights in Locke is precisely to ensure that the only permissible departures from the state of nature are those that respect these rights.† The mere fact that one has been integrated into the human race is entitlement to equality and dignity. The understanding that all men are equal is also predicated on the premise that there are no natural claims of superiority, and one may not act at will in the exercise of government. All men are naturally and legitimately a part of the society and must be regarded as a full member. Each man also must exercise his natural right to survival based on the principles of The Second Treatise of Government. Locke states that, â€Å"being once born, (men) have a right to their preservation, and consequently to meat and drink, and such other things as nature affords for their subsistence† (Locke 1980). As such he deserves to gain access those things which would facilitate survival such as food, clothing and shelter. Here, Locke discusses man’s fundamental physiological needs as pointed out in Maslow’s pyramid of needs. Life is a precious gift and so man has the ability to protect and preserve his life. Without due attention to

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Organization as a Metaphor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organization as a Metaphor - Essay Example Openness of an organization to inquiry and also self-assessment inculcates this capability in the top management to take the organization to the next level by showing creativity and innovation. When an organization displays these qualities of a brain, it transforms into a learning system that can be self-organized. This is not only very convenient for the organizational personnel, but also one of the fundamental pre-requisites for the success and growth of organizations in the contemporary age where competition is very high and organizations need competitive advantage in order to earn the trust and confidence of the stakeholders and excel in the market. Using this metaphor as a lens and analyzing the current state of the organization through this lens, it becomes apparent that the strategies of the top management controlling the organization change rapidly, and this has an effect on everybody in the hierarchy of the organizational structure from top to bottom. This has mixed effects on the organizational culture. ... ise the level of motivation of the organizational personnel as least just as much as they invest their time and effort in identifying new ways in which the organization can be changed. It must be realized that organizational personnel fundamentally play the role of wheels upon which the vehicle of organization travels, so keeping them fully functional is no less important than fueling the organization with innovative ideas. Having such a detailed in-sight into my organization with the help of the developed metaphor suggested by Morgan, I have identified several potential strengths and drawbacks of my organization, as well as a way to eradicate the drawbacks and instead, change the risks into opportunities. Change is an integral element for an organization to qualify as â€Å"a brain† and there is a wide range of literature that reveals that change is something that is not much appreciated by the organizational personnel owing to the fact that it challenges their interests and may not let the circumstances remain favorable for the attainment of their individualistic interests. Change management requires sound leadership and management skills on the part of the top management. One way in which change can be managed effectively is by identifying the collective motivation factors for the organizational workforce as a whole and determining the individualistic motivational factors for the workers whose performance matters the most. Performance of the employees in an organization is fundamentally controlled by their level of motivation. The higher the level of motivation, the better the performance of the employees and vice versa. Various theories of motivation have been proposed to date to help the management identify the ways in which employees can be satisfied more. These